About Fodder4Thought…

“Hey, wonder what other folks would do, say, think or feel about that?”

An innovative idea or a new perspective pops into our minds. Often, there isn’t always
time to exchange our thoughts with others. The sharing moment passes.
Yet, such thoughts sometimes linger, searching for recognition.

This has been my experience.

It is the driving force behind my creating this blog to share:
– thought-provoking subjects and
– ideas for positive impacts on our lives and world.

What if… what if it works?

Today, I’m wondering how to collect and make available these kinds of experiences. 
My long-term goal: to reach out, calling on people everywhere to extend their hands and share their experiences with everyone who crosses their paths.

Wouldn’t the result be a wonderful source of inspiration to plug into when we were in need of…whatever wisdom or advice we needed at any given moment?

Hey, this is going to go somewhere!

Are you interested in joining me or maybe contributing a few posts to such a project?
I truly hope so. Please let me know.

I look forward to your comments and suggestions.

8 Responses to About Fodder4Thought…

  1. Gary says:

    In a way, I feel honored to be the first to respond to this special endeavor. Sharing those things that humanity has in common. Perhaps we might analyze a dream or discuss and inventive thought. What makes the world-go-round? Just how significant are we, considering the size of the universe?

    Who else has sat at the edge of a babbling brook, reading a book next to green forest ferns as May Fly’s swarm and dance above snow melt water? Now I live enduring the smell of smog, in a graffiti littered city, plagued by gangs and labs concocting substances for smoking and injecting. I fear that my car will be stolen and my lively-hood robbed of tools! I miss my mountain forest, where nature was pure, and the wildlife is nothing like that of the city! I miss the solitary delight of reading a book in the depth of a dark green forest, at the edge of a babbling brook!

    • emanita01 says:

      And Gary, I’m honored that you have responded to my invitation 😉
      “Sharing those things that humanity has in common.”

      Yes, that’s what this blog’s about. Feel free to do so…

      I’m sure you’ve loads of experiences, wisdom and insight to share.

      I humbly thank you for your interest.

  2. blessingsenterprises says:

    I’m enjoying checking out your blog.
    In addition to the Blessings Blog, you might also enjoy the Spirituality Blog.
    I’ll blog roll you as well.
    Terri 🙂

  3. jennygoth says:

    i find here a nice place to read and il be back to catch up on more i find wordpress is a place where different people of all kinds come together and are virtual friends for a long time xxjen

    • emanita01 says:

      Hi there, jennygoth. Welcome to my blog 😀 I’m happy that you enjoyed your visit and look forward to our budding friendship. I agree with you re:wordpress & diversity. Will be visiting your blog as well.

  4. Jo Bryant says:

    Hey Em,
    Happy New Year !! Thanks for following my words this year.

    Be Well in 2012

    • emanita01 says:

      Thanks Jo. Now I raise my cuppa to say “Cheers” to the new friends I’ve connected with in 2011. They can be counted on the fingers of one hand and it’s gotta be the left one because it’s the one on the heart’s side ;-D
      And you’re certainly in that top 5 listing my friend 😀 Have a preference for which finger you shall be being counted on…and yes, I did leave that door wide oen for you to wit as you please…LOL!

      Loads of hugs & affection & wishing you ALMOST everything your heart desires in 2012 Em. (What? We need to leave some desirables for the years to come!),

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